


The 后 are the definitions of applicable terms and prohibited conduct per Board 政策 3020.


Sexual assault shall mean an offense classified as a forcible or non-forcible sex offense under the uniform crime reporting system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sexual assault is contact or 性 penetration that occurs without the consent of the recipient.

Sexual contact means the intentional touching of a person’s intimate parts or the intentional touching of a person’s clothing covering the immediate area of the person’s intimate parts. Sexual contact also includes 当 a person is forced to touch another person’s intimate parts or the clothing covering the immediate area of the person’s intimate parts. Sexual contact shall include only such contact that can be reasonably construed as being for the purpose of 性 arousal or gratification of either party.

性渗透是指普通意义上的性交, 舔阴, 口交, anal intercourse or any intrusion of any part of the person’s body or of a manipulated object into the genital or anal openings of another person.


Sexual violence is any intentional act of 性 contact (touching or penetration) that is accomplished toward another without his/ her consent. 这种行为可能包括, 但不限于, 强迫口交, 强行插入肛门, 异物插入体内, 以及任何违背他人意愿的性交行为.

这包括, 但不限于, 武器的使用, 身体暴力或约束, 口头威胁, 恐吓, 以及报复或伤害的威胁. 性暴力包括本政策所定义的性侵犯.



The person must act freely and voluntarily and have knowledge of the nature of the act or transaction involved. 表示同意的人不能因毒品或酒精而丧失行为能力, 无意识的, 晕了过去, 进入和离开意识, 在暴力的威胁下, 受伤, 或者其他形式的强迫, 不可能有疾病, 疾病, or disability that would impair his/her understanding of the act or his/her ability to make decisions.

  • 给予同意的人不能被强迫、胁迫或欺骗.
  • 一个人可以通过言语或行为表达不同意. 一个人只需要反抗, 无论是口头上还是身体上, so as to make the person’s refusal to consent genuine and real and so as to reasonably make known to the actor the person’s refusal to consent. A person need not resist verbally or physically 在哪里 it would be useless or futile to do so.
  • 是否同意是基于整体情况, 包括指称的事件发生的背景. The fact that a student was under the influence of drugs/alcohol may be considered in determining whether that person had consented to the act in question. 不能仅仅从沉默或被动中推断同意.


性骚扰是不受欢迎的性行为. 性骚扰包括不受欢迎的性挑逗, 性要求, 还有其他口头上的, 非语言的, 或者与性有关的身体行为. 联邦法律(特别是, 第九条)禁止学生之间的歧视, 包括敌对环境性骚扰和敌对环境性别骚扰. (性别骚扰可能包括言语行为, 非语言的, 或者身体攻击, 恐吓, 或者基于性别或性别刻板印象的敌意, 性取向, 和/或性别认同, 即使这些行为不涉及性行为.骚扰并不一定包括伤害的意图, 瞄准一个特定的目标, 或者涉及重复的事件. (例如, 如下所述, a single instance of unwelcome physical contact of a 性 nature could constitute unlawful sex or gender 骚扰.) Sex and/or gender 骚扰 creates a hostile environment for the student-victim 当 it is so severe, 无处不在的, or persistent that it interferes with or limits the victim student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the College's services, 活动, 或者因为他或她的性别而获得机会. Sex 骚扰 includes dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking as defined in this policy.


约会暴力是暴力(暴力包括, 但不限于 性 or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse) committed by a person (a) who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and (b) 在哪里 the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the 后 factors: (i) the length of the relationship, (ii)关系类型, (iii)关系中涉及的人之间互动的频率. Dating violence can occur 当 one person purposely 伤害了 or scares someone they are dating. 约会暴力可以是身体、情感和/或性虐待.


Domestic violence shall mean felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse of the victim, 与受害者有共同孩子的人, 与被害人同居或者曾作为配偶与被害人同居的人, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws. Domestic violence includes patterns of abusive behavior in relationships used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. 家庭暴力可以是身体暴力, 性, 情感, 经济, 或影响他人的心理行为或行为威胁. 这包括任何恐吓的行为, 操纵, 侮辱, 隔离, 害怕, 统治着, 强制, 威胁, 指责, 伤害了, 伤害, 或者伤害别人.


跟踪 shall mean engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to (a) fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or (b) suffer substantial 情感 distress. 跟踪包括一种重复和不必要的关注模式, 骚扰, contact or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. 跟踪可能包括:反复与, 后, 威胁, 或者散播黄金城一个不想引起注意的人的谣言.


报复 is any adverse action taken against a person participating in a protected activity because of that person’s participation in that protected activity.



“同意”的定义见董事会政策3020, 这里有一些额外的信息,可能有助于理解这个重要的概念.

因为不同的人可能会以不同的方式经历同样的互动, 每一方都有责任确保合作伙伴提供持续的服务, 明确同意从事任何性活动或接触.

A person may withdraw consent at any time during 性 activity or contact through words or actions. 如果发生这种情况,另一方必须立即停止活动或联系. 强迫另一个人进行性行为可以构成胁迫, 这也被认为是性行为不端.

沉默或没有抵抗本身并不构成同意. 为了证明犯罪,受害者不需要反抗或说“不”.


Being or having been in a dating relationship with the other party does not mean that consent for 性 activity exists.

Previous consent to 性 activity does not imply consent to 性 activity in the future.


力 is defined as direct or indirect use of physical violence and/or imposing physically on someone to gain 性 access. 力, unless part of mutually permissible kink, is a clear demonstration of a lack of consent.


丧失行为能力被定义为个体无法做出理性行为的状态, 合理的决策,因为他们缺乏理解“谁”的能力, 什么, 当, 在哪里, 为什么, 或者如何”的情况或互动. 如果人们不明白发生了什么,他们就不能同意性行为, 或者他们迷失了方向, 无助的, 睡着了, 或者因为任何原因失去意识. 即使他们是自愿饮酒或吸毒,这也适用. 除非同意是“知道的”,否则它是无效的. Those engaging in 性 activity who know or should have known that the other party is incapacitated are engaging in 性 misconduct. 应诉一方喝醉酒的事实, 因此没有意识到报告方是无行为能力的, 不原谅性行为不端的行为吗.